Housing Court Dockets

Cleveland Housing Court mostly handles civil cases, but it also has a Criminal Docket and a Corporate Docket.

Criminal Docket

Last updated on 02/03/2025

The Housing Court Judge conducts the Criminal Docket each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday beginning at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom 13B. This docket includes defendants cited by the City for both minor misdemeanors and first degree misdemeanors. Defendants appearing here are summoned to this docket for a variety of reasons, including arraignment, tria...
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Civil Docket

Last updated on 02/03/2025

       Civil DocketCleveland Housing Court has a civil component that hears cases between individuals, corporations and other entities. These cases most often involve landlord/tenant matters. Examples include Forcible Entry and Detainers (evictions), motions to stay evictions, temporary restraining orders for u...
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Corporate Docket

Last updated on 12/17/2024

The Housing Court has created the Corporate Docket for those corporations and other business entities that have failed to appear for cases on Administrative Judge Scott's criminal docket. First, the defendant business entity is ordered to appear for the corporate docket, and service is sent out to the defendant’s address of record, with courtesy...
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Criminal Cases Filed

Last updated on 02/03/2025

    Criminal Cases Filed: Past 7 Days
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