211/First Call for Help:
United Way 2-1-1 connects individuals and families to social services 24 hours a day, every day of the year. We provide accurate and timely assessment, information and service navigation to help people understand their options, resolve problems and improve their lives. By informing the community of needs, gaps and trends, 2-1-1 facilitates system change.
City of Cleveland:
Official site provides information about the government, economic development, education, and attractions. Cleveland City Council: www.clevelandcitycouncil.org Cleveland City Council, the legislative branch of the City of Cleveland, serves citizens by monitoring city departments, approving budgets, and enacting legislation to improve the quality of life in an effective and financially responsible way.Directory, committee information, calendar, ward map, FAQ, and publications.
CHN Housing Partners:
Information on affordable housing for low to moderate-income Clevelanders, with a special emphasis on serving families in poverty and on providing homeownership opportunities.
Cleveland Marshall College of Law-Pro Bono Program:
Through our Pro Bono Program, students donate more than 11,000 hours a year of volunteer service. Students work with the Legal Aid Society to assist clients at free legal advice clinics, they help establish juvenile diversion programs at a number of suburban courts, and they serve as coaches and advisors to high school students for the Cleveland Public Schools Mock Trial Competition.
Cleveland Municipal Court:
The Cleveland Municipal Court is a court of record having jurisdiction in law and equity pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code. The Court has territorial jurisdiction over the City of Cleveland and the Village of Bratenahl.
Cleveland Mediation Center:
CMC promotes just and peaceful community in Northeast Ohio by honoring all people, building their capacity to act, and facilitating opportunities for them to engage in conflict constructively.They work in the community to facilitate dialogue with neighbors, community members, families or other parties, stop evictions, prevent homelessness, improve school attendance, and train those who wish to mediate.
Cleveland Restoration Society:
CRS’s Preservation Services Program involves a range of assistance, including surveys of historic neighborhoods, historic structures reports, acceptance of donated property for resale with preservation covenant, and taking action in municipal housing court under the State of Ohio Housing Receivership statute to stabilize a historic property victimized by foreclosure or other problem. CRS has completed surveys of buildings associated with Cleveland’s African American community and of the city’s transportation corridors, created building assessments for municipalities, managed rehabilitation projects for historical societies, and other services on a fee-for-service basis. Included under Preservation Services is assistance to Greater Cleveland’s many sacred landmarks. CRS staff gives technical assistance in preserving historic religious properties of all faiths and supervising the lighting of steeples through our Steeple Lighting Project.
Cuyahoga County:
The official government website of Cuyahoga County. Online services include: Court Docket, Dog Licenses, Emergency Notification System, Online Job Application, Pay Your Taxes, Property Information, Vendor Registration, Voter Registration & Information.
Cuyahoga County Bar Association:
Serves attorneys and consumers in the Cleveland metropolitan area with programs such as continuing legal education and the Lawyer Referral Service.
Cuyahoga Land Bank:
The Cuyahoga Land Bank is committed to healthy, sustainable community redevelopment within Cuyahoga County. The Land Bank exhibits this ongoing commitment through efforts such as strategic blight clearance, deconstruction, the appropriate and innovative re-use of vacant land, and the use of energy efficient, green rehabilitation and new construction standards.
Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity:
Habitat for Humanity partners with people in your community, and all over the world, to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.
Homeless Legal Assistance (N.E.O.C.H.):
Northeast Ohio Coaliation for the Homeless organize and empower homeless and at-risk men, women, and children through public education, advocacy, and the creation of nurturing environments.
Housing Cleveland:
This organization helps people list and find affordable housing in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
Fair Housing Center for Rights and Research:
The Housing Research & Advocacy Center's mission is to promote fair housing and diverse communities, and to work to eliminate housing discrimination in Northeast Ohio by providing effective research, education, and advocacy. Housing Research & Advocacy Center (The Housing Center) is a not for profit fair housing agency that promotes equal housing opportunities and positive race relations in Northeast Ohio.
Legal Aid Society of Greater Cleveland:
National Center for Healthy Housing:
NCHH conducts research to find scientifically valid and practical strategies for making homes safe and healthy. Through its education and training programs, NCHH alerts families and those who serve them to hazards in the home environment. NCHH's policy work translates its scientific and technical work into government and non-governmental standards, programs, and policies.
National Vacant Properties Campaign:
Provides information on resources, tools, and assistance to support vacant property revitalization efforts.
Neighborhood Housing Services of Cleveland:
Provides information on ways to make housing affordable through education and home repair programming
Neighborhood Link:
Information clearinghouse of Housing resources in the Cleveland area
Neighborhood Progress Incorporated (NPI):
Organization supporting community development organizations (CDCs) to implement neighborhood revitalization agendas
Northeast Ohio Apartment Assoc. (N.O.A.A.):
Provides information on services and programs for landlords and property managers in the Cleveland area
Ohio Bailiffs and Court Officers:
The purpose of the Ohio Bailiffs and Court Officers Association is to promote the general welfare of its Members by providing training and education in the areas of court/judicial/law enforcement activities through courtroom supervision, services, transportation and other training programs and conferences.
Ohio Landlord Tenant Law:
Latest legal information for landlords and tenants
Ohio Legal Blank:
Provides legal forms and eviction notices for the state of Ohio
Policy Matters Ohio:
Provides information on Housing policies in the State of Ohio
Right to Counsel:
Provides information on Right to Counsel in the City of Cleveland